It’s Been a Minute

I’m not even certain when the last time I logged on to this site was–I’m thinking it was at least one kid ago, possibly two. If that’s the case then we are talking 5-7 years of silence. It’s a shame that hasn’t been what my brain has felt like for the past 5-7 years. Silence is golden. Silence is rare. My thoughts have raced and huffed and puffed for what feels like a century, but in fact, it’s only been a decade. Having children changes your brain. It’s scientific fact, and I didn’t need to read a peer-based review to tell me.

Where and how do I begin to catch up on what feels like a century? I’ll start with child #3 and child #4. One of God’s greatest gifts to earth, GIRLS. I love them fiercely. The old poem quips that they are “sugar and spice and everything nice.” Mine definitely got a lot more spice than sugar.

Current job status–employed at a church leading little ones, specifically, birth to PreK kiddos. The kids are a joy. My job is a mixed bag. I suppose most things in life are mixed bags. It has heavy days, light days, in-between days, days where I question what I’m doing, days where I’m certain there’s no where else I’d rather or should be.

Current home status–husband, four kids, one dog, and a lot of noise, clutter, cracks, gopher holes, and sweet memories. I’m continually working on finding contentment in my home and not comparing it to the world of Insta.

Current dream–to pay off some debt, travel with our crazy crew, and make even more sweet memories. Perhaps I’ll write more often. Perhaps it’ll be another 5-7 years before I catch up. Either way, it’s nice to know this place is still here for me to pause and reflect.

An update…

Life is funny. Just when I think I have a good routine down and things are smoothly sailing along…BAM. Life happens. And for us, that means a new life–I’m pregnant! Baby number #3 is due in the end of September. Basically this means, I’ve been a COMPLETE slacker in 99% of the areas of my life–my house is a mess, my boys watch too much TV, I avoid cooking, and all I want to do is sleep. Last week I finally felt more “myself” and a lot less nauseous, so I’m hoping my slobbish slacking will come to end and I’ll find some motivation to get my act together.

Here are some pictures of the boys that we used to announce on social media…C is pretty excited about the new baby, and of course H has no clue what is happening and just how much his world is going to be rocked.

number 2

number 3


Day 11

1.11.15“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us.”
~Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco

Day 9

1.9.15“Most of the things we need to be alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.”
~Mark Buchanan

Day 7 of who knows how many….


“Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery–it’s the sincerest form of learning.”
~George Bernard Shaw

Day 6 of 365

1.6.15“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day 5 of 365

1.5.15“Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.”
~The Rambler, Samuel Johnson