Kids Were Here, Vol. 2

I have been in a “February Slump.” I tend to go all out in January–cleaning, organizing, cooking every. night. Then about the time of the husband’s birthday in February, I have no energy or motivation to do anything. To top it off, soccer season starts, and I really get behind. I don’t think I picked up my camera from January 29th until February 7th (and those were only obligatory family get-together shots). I realize that’s not very long, but when you’ve signed up for a P52, blog circle, and KNOW you should be practicing shooting DAILY in order to improve, it gets daunting. SO, I may be a few weeks behind in the P52. SO, I may have fifty or so pictures that would work for KWH, but need to be edited. SO, I may have a few loads of laundry in the washer, dryer, and waiting to be put away.

Thankfully, last weekend was a three day weekend for me, and the weather was perfect for playing outside. I managed to get a few images I love of the boys, and when I went out to get some shoes that were left outside, I found a few cars and trucks stuck in the dirt and mud…someday I’ll have a perfectly manicured yard that isn’t littered with toys, but for now I’m grateful for the mess that is our backyard.

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Now head over to Desiree’s blog to see her latest Kids Were entry!