An update…

Life is funny. Just when I think I have a good routine down and things are smoothly sailing along…BAM. Life happens. And for us, that means a new life–I’m pregnant! Baby number #3 is due in the end of September. Basically this means, I’ve been a COMPLETE slacker in 99% of the areas of my life–my house is a mess, my boys watch too much TV, I avoid cooking, and all I want to do is sleep. Last week I finally felt more “myself” and a lot less nauseous, so I’m hoping my slobbish slacking will come to end and I’ll find some motivation to get my act together.

Here are some pictures of the boys that we used to announce on social media…C is pretty excited about the new baby, and of course H has no clue what is happening and just how much his world is going to be rocked.

number 2

number 3
